For every bi-annual review, my boss asks me “What’s your favorite part about Clique?” And I always say the same, cheesy answer “the people.” Because, well, it’s true.

At Clique, we’re pretty tight knit. We work together, stress together, celebrate together. We grow together and change together. And, as 2019 ends (faster than any of us imagined) we’re saying goodbye to a decade together.

The “together” is what matters. It’s what we want to bring with us into 2020, 2021, 2022…

So now, before we all share our new resolutions, let’s take a quick moment to look back on the year. Together.

We welcomed a few new people to our team.

Headshots of new team members including, Nick Makris, Sam Michelau, Paul Chou, Jada Hampton, Megan Brabham, Ryan Postel, Jeff Goodsmiith, Sarah Rooney, and Jessa Lux


Announced a new office, in a new state (Austin, Texas).

An illustration of a bat wearing a cowboy hat flying over a bridge.


Raised $2,130 for Howard Brown, dedicated to supporting trans, nonbinary, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals with health resources and services.

A graphic that says ‘Trans people are people.’


Launched our RedBubble Store, where all profits are donated to The Greater Chicago Food Depository.

images of items in redbubble store



We partnered with Gameday Gateway and celebrated the launch of their massive new sports sponsorship platform.

Group photos of Clique employees with Gameday Gateway staff and investors, including Scottie Pippen


And celebrated project launches, milestones, (and ourselves) during our monthly First Fridays, including a Halloween themed one 🎃.

Collage of Clique employees in costumes including Ash Catcher, vampires, a clown, and a 404 page.


We had fun in the office, with a few movie nights.

Group photo of Clique employees making silly faces and eating pizza in their office.


And we had fun out of the office. We explored the American Writers’ Museum.

Group photo of Clique employees at the Writers museum


Attended a night of ZooLights at Lincoln Park Zoo.

Collage of Clique employees riding a carousel and a group photo at ZooLights


And, of course, hosted our annual State of the Clique.

Collage of State of the Clique meeting; Employees smiling, presenting, and Clique partners dancing.


We hosted students from CMU and Designation at our Chicago office, hosted Marketing Leaders Lunches in Denver, and Fen, our Accessibility Lead, traveled the country speaking at conferences.

Collage of Clique employees giving presentations to rooms full of students and/or professionals.


We even attended a few conferences ourselves, including the Awwwards Digital Thinkers’ Conference and Creative South.

Creative South and Awwwards Conference stages and selfies.


Created some cool things.

Collage of posters, graphics, sketches, images, etc.


Including the results of the design challenges…

Results from a design challenge dedicated to our Furry Friend Friday slack channel.


Writing challenges…

Headline results from a challenge all about having a strong, possibly controversial, opinion.


And development challenges.

Results from a Holiday-themed coding challenge.


We built a lot of things (too many to name here).

A collage of homepage for a variety of websites.


Launched our new website.


And, of course, capped the year off with our holiday party.


The end of the year is a weird time. It’s when you take stock and remember the good times (and bad), the biggest changes, and the new learnings. It’s a time to reflect.

It’s when you surround yourself with people who really matter, the ones who were there for everything

So—from me and your friends at Clique—cheers to another year of working, celebrating, stressing, laughing, and building. Together.